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BREAKING NEWS: Transfer Applications for Admission is currently ongoing for FALL semester 2020 session into North Cyprus Universities, Whatsapp or call +905428825157 ..

Sunday, 27 December 2015


A student of Eastern Mediterranean university Famagusta, Northern Cyprus was brutally murdered by some individuals. The report reaching us says they were gang /  'cultists' who wanted to exert supremacy over one another.
A Zimbabwe female student was drunk, and ambushed by some gang members. Nobody knew if they wanted to rape or assault her.

 Some Nigerian students  ( members of another gang) who witnessed the abduction, moved in attempt to rescue the zimba girl, and it became bloody. They were said to have dispersed without any loss of life, but with injuries.

The wounded gang members who abducted the Zimba student decided to carry out a revenge mission on the rescuer (Name witheld).
They got to the house of the rescuer but met him absent. They met his house mate and stabbed him with a knife. And watched him as life gradually left his body in a pool of blood, eventually they threw him off from his balcony to look like he fell down.

Rumours have it that this victim or deceased didn't jump off his balcony. He was murdered in cold blood. The police is on the case, investigations have led to arrests of about 23 people.

We are waiting for an official statement from the police after a thorough investigation.  A new story different from what we hear might emerge.

But we are saying that whatever the real story is.. There is no justification  for the killing of that young man. People should learn to settle disagreements with dialogue.

We hope justice will prevail and the killers be apprehended and convicted.

We believe that NAN'S members will also cooperate with the police to ensure that the killers don't go unpunished.

May his soul rest in perfect peace!


Anonymous said...

this is not right, yes a boy was murdered but there is no need to tell lies and exaggerate what actually happened just to attract readers and claim false sources... please stick to what you are sure of and R.I.P to the dead.

Anonymous said...

We are open to publish your own side to the story. Different reports are flying around.. but the truth will be out eventually and the innocent ones will be vindicated .

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