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Monday, 28 December 2015

Miss thembi speaks to lady's in Cyprus.

In an interview with Miss thembi,  MD CEO Mardo Technologies Group Ltd and IT student of Cyprus International University.

What do you have to say to the younger generation?

Miss Thembie:
"We must not forget why we are here in Cyprus". If you feel there is no change in your life or you have been in the same position without favourable progress, we should listen to the whisper inside us, that little voice that talks to us. Help us to find answers.
In life there is nothing impossible. Looking at Scientists who have tried and failed in their past experiments,  yet in the end came up with great innovations and inventions.

What are your future prospects in 20 years time?

Miss Thembie:
I see myself as the next female Mark Zuckerberg.  Inspiring particularly young girls that are aspiring to pursue careers in computing and Information Technology.
I hope to startup Thembi Computing Trust for underprivileged women.

Thank you madam, there is no better way to impact life than to care for the less privileged in the society.
Thank you for giving us audience.  We hope you invite us in 2017 when this scheme will be launched.

Miss thembi:

Sure. Thank you for having me.


mpeya said...

WOW... THIS is great shoot 4 the moon evn if u miss u will always be counted ampong stars..... this is amazing go for it Miss Thembie the world is your oyster gal..... ryt behind u xxx Mpeya

Anonymous said...

Mis thembi, I am encouraged. I am sofy fron kenya. Please inform me whenever you start the foundation.

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