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Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Alicia Keys new stand!

Alicia Keys enlisted 24 of America’s most high-profile celebrities for a powerful video condemning police brutality.

Beyoncé, Rihanna, Chris Rock, and Pharrell Williams are just a handful of the famous faces that appear in the clip. As images of black lives lost to recent police shootings flash on screen, the A-list collective rattles off “23 ways you could be killed if you are black in America,” listing everything from “wearing a hoodie” to “failing to signal a lane change.”

“In other words, just for being black and doing absolutely nothing,” the video’s text reads. Keys closes the clip with a plea for change: “We demand radical transformation to heal the long history of systemic racism so that all Americans have the equal right to live and to pursue happiness.”

The video comes on the heels of two recent officer-involved deaths. Both Philando Castile and Alton Sterling were shot and killed by police last week, sparking nationwide outrage. Dozens of stars, including many of those featured in the video, have since denounced the deaths, and multiple members of the music community have shared protest songs.

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