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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Cameroon and Congo on North Cyprus blacklist for health issues.


Two students (Cameroonian and Congolese) were arrested for spending fake money in Cyprus. They were sentenced to one month in imprisonment.  When a routine test was to be performed for the prisoners, it was discovered that they had hepatitis B virus and HIV.

 They were transferred to a new facility and the accused were kept under isolation in the infirmary away from other prisoners. 
The accused were exported for further test procedures

We urge the authorities to detain them in descent facilities while they await deportation or medical attention. 


Anonymous said...

The reason for arrest was due to their illness?

ciuconnect.com said...

The reason for arrest is that they are defaulters of North Cyprus immigration law. They had fake medicals certifying them to be issued North Cyprus visa.

Anonymous said...

They should offer free condoms because their condoms are expensive

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